Successful applications are the result of several companies working together to create a high-performance injection molding system.


Over the years, Trexel has established close partnerships with leading injection molding machine suppliers and other industry partners, providing the end user with a maximum return on the investment in our technologies.

Injection Molding Machine Suppliers

Implementing MuCell® requires close coordination with the Injection Molding Machine supplier in order to build a MuCell®-capable molding machine. While Trexel can supply a retrofit to virtually any injection molding machine, the following partners are licensed to build a MuCell®– compatible injection molding machine:

Industry Partners

Trexel has partnerships and close relationships with many technology and service providers throughout the injection molding industry.

Let’s Make it Happen

Don’t hesitate to reach out to our global team.

We’re here to assist and provide you with answers to all of your inquires. Let’s take a look at your application and discuss whether our technology can help you reduce costs AND your carbon footprint. We are eager to guide you through the process. Get in touch today!

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